Neem Tree Forum hold regular meeting amongst its members, in which various pertaining issues are discussed, and suggestions are made about resolution of these issues. It is envisage that in future, we will also be able to publish consultative documents and put forward suggestion which can be followed by any interested parties. Apart from these internal meetings and discussion groups, Neem Tree forum also organise on-line or in-person meetings on topics of importance.
Chairman of the organisation Mr O P SHAH have compiled a book ‘ In pursuit of Peace’
The book is a compilation of writing by notable people from India and Pakistan, highlighting the importance of people-to-people cooperation in pursuit of peace. Without peace between India and Pakistan, true progress by both countries is not possible. it is in the interest of both countries that every effort is made to establish peace immediately so that resources can be spent on the betterment of the people rather than on building the war chest. Two of the Neem Tree Forum members have also contributed their articles.